تازگیـا، بعد از سی و انـدی سال زندگی کردن، یاد گرفتم که وقتی کسی با نامـردی باهام رفتار کرد، دلمو سـوزوند و یا هر رفتار غـیر اخلاقی دیگه ای کرد، به جای اینکه خودمو در حـد یه آدم نـامرد بیارم پاییـن و سعی کنم تلافی کنم و یا جوابشـو بدم، کاملا نـادیـده بگیـرمش و به کارم ادامه بدم و بسپـارمش دست خـدا، تا خودش هر جور میـدونه حالیـش کنه که چـی به چیـه! اینجـوری، هم همیـشه به نتیجـه رسیـدم و هم خودم در آرامـش بودم.ء
چقـدر خوبه که پشـت و پناه آدم، قویتـریـن باشه، و چه آرامشـی میده احسـاس اینکه این قویتـرین، تو رو توی آغـوش امن خودش گرفـته..ء
خدا جـونم! خیلی دوسـت دارم .. ممنون که انـقدر مواظبـمی!ا
۸ نظر:
ناقلا سي و اندي نگو !! بگو اندي به چهل
کاش آدم بتونه همیشه همینجوری رفتار کنه.اما من گاهی آمپرم میره بالا و اونوقت دقیقا خودمو به اندازه همین آدما میارم پایین. ضمنا حس زنانه سطرهای آخر نوشته ات بی نظیره
خدایا ممنون که مواظبشی و مواظبمونی
اینکه همه چی رو بسپری دست خدا و خودت هیچ عکس العملی نشون ندی، فقط پاک کردن صورت مسئلست. اگه کسی به من نامردی کنه بلایی سرش میارم که تاعمر داره به هیچ تنابنده ای نامردی نکنه!
فعلا بحث نامردی رو بی خیال و از چیزهای خوب خوب بگو. چرا دیگه در مورد فسقلی چیزی نمی نویسی؟!! دلم برای شنیدن در مورد شیرین کاریهای شازده پسر الهام بانو تنگ شده.
تو با خدای خود انداز کار و دل خوش دار
که رحم اگر نکند مدعی، خدا بکند
شاد باشی
شاد شاد
Dear Lady/Sir,
My name is Alireza and I'm from Shiraz,Iran.
I'm writing to ask help for my only child,a 8 year old girl.
On January 26, 2008, my wife and I took our only 8 year old child, Saba, to the doctor because of her headache, and after a lot of tests ,it became clear that she had cerebellar tumor and had to undergo an emergency surgery.
On January 29, 2008, the first surgery was performed on her to put a shunt into her head.
On February 2,2008, she underwent another surgery for the removal of the tumor from her cerebellum. But unfortunately, it then became clear that the tumor is malignant and is a type of medulloblastoma. Soon after, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were started.
Since the shunt had not worked well, she had to undergo surgeries for 10 more times and, unfortunately, after 13 surgeries from the beginning of this problem, she got cardiac arrest in ICU and after cardiopulmonary resuscitation, she went into coma on July 10, 2008.
Then she underwent 4 more surgeries for tracheostomy.
After the doctors had given up hope and her level of consciousness was 5, they released her from the hospital. We took our daughter home and have been looking after her since July 17, 2008 .
We tried to investigate on the reasons of her cardiac arrest in ICU and the reasons of performing several surgeries on her through legal authorities to make clear the facts about our daughter.
Totally, Saba had to undergo 17 surgeries with little or no results.
At the time of her cardiac arrest at ICU, there were no doctors to help her ( because most of the doctors of that hospital had left the hospital for an important exam on that day!) and so they gave her resuscitation very late and this caused her to go to coma.
Also the doctors weren't able to do the shunt surgery properly and because of that, they performed surgeries on her head several times.
I personaly met some members of our parliament and We asked from several govermental organization for financial helps or insurances for her medical and surgery expenses.In addition, we sued the hospital managers and doctors due to their irresponsibility ,because we really didn't want these mistakes happen again for other childeren in that hospital,but unfortunately our attempts were totally useless.
At last,a few weeks ago, I had to sell one of my kidneys (a part of my body) for paying some of my loans.
We are exhausted financially but we have a strong faith in God and we have not given up hope yet. We know that there are still some humans in this world who are supportive and can understand our situation and sorrows.
we have decided to ask help from foreighner societies as asylums (social refugees) because this is the only way for my daughter to receive essential medical cares.
please email me by afshin1356@aol.com or contact me by 00989178879199 .
Our website is: www.sabayepedar.com
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully,
سلام دوست عزیزم
آرزو دارم از لحظات زندگیت بهترین استفاده رو بکنی و روزهای پرباری را در پیش رو داشته باشید .
اگه به مطالب روانشناسی علاقه داری در وبلاگ زیر منتظر حضور و نظرقشنگتون هستم – با آرزوی بهترین ها برایتان - احمد فلاح
گاهی به درد دل خود میخندم
خلق دارد تصور که دلی خوش دارم.....
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